Exciting news: my bindweed spiral Unbound, which I made for last year’s Prism Textiles exhibition, is to get another outing.
I’m very honoured to be asked, as an alumnus of Morley College, to include this piece, along with a couple of baskets, in the forthcoming Fantastical Botanical exhibition at Morley Gallery, 21 April – 4 May. The exhibition features the work of students and tutors from the textiles and jewellery departments at Morley, where I started my creative journey many years ago, so it’s lovely to be returning.

The private view is on Thursday 21 April, 6-8pm, if you are around. If not, the exhibition is open 21 April to 4 May, Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm, Saturday 1pm – 5pm. Morley Gallery is at 61 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HT.