BA Spring School 2023

Every year (pandemics permitting) the Basketmakers’ Association organises Spring School, a residential session with five or six different basketry tutors. Members who sign up receive four full days’ tuition with the tutor of their choice. The tutors also give talks in the evening that everyone can attend, so you get to hear about the work […]
Ruth Asawa at Modern Art Oxford

Revelling in my new freedom now that my course is finished, I took myself off to Oxford on Tuesday to see the exhibition Ruth Asawa: Citizen of the Universe at Modern Art Oxford. Before the pandemic I managed to visit another Asawa exhibition in London at the David Zwirner gallery. The Oxford exhibition seemed to […]
Making a camel muzzle (sort of) with daffodil stalks

Every year I normally collect daffodil leaves as they start dying down and turning brown. After drying them, I spray them lightly with water to soften them and use them to make cordage (string). This year, however, as well as collecting a few leaves, I focused on collecting the flower stalks after the flowers had […]