Back in 2018 Tate Modern put on a wonderful exhibition about Anni Albers (you can see a write-up on my previous blog here). It stirred in me a vague interest in weaving, though I was still more interested in exploring 3D form. Also I was a bit put off by the apparent complexity of warping up a loom.
Then recently I came across Lark & Bower run by Sarah Ward, who specialises in off loom weaving using a needle and thread. So I thought I would have a go and ordered an instruction manual.
I have to admit that I’ve become quite addicted. The samples are woven on postcard-sized plywood offcuts, so they’re small and quite quick to make. I’m using excess rug wool given to me by a friend.
Most patterns are based on twill weave (2 over/2 under or 3 over/3 under), which I have used in plaited basketry, so the concept was very familiar.

I’m not sure that I will ever graduate to using a real loom, but I’m having fun at the moment!