tony cragg at houghton hall

Last week we spent a few days in Norfolk. An unwelcome encounter between a pothole and our front left tyre meant our itinerary was more rushed than we would have liked. But we did get to visit Houghton Hall, which is currently hosting a Tony Cragg exhibition.

Only a couple of the rooms in the main house are open to the public, but they certainly create a splendid backdrop for his large-scale organic pieces in wood, metal and glass.

Other works are sited around the extensive grounds. Thankfully, the British summer was reasonably well behaved on the day we visited.

The grounds are also home to work by other well-known sculptors, including Henry Moore, Rachel Whiteread, Anish Kapoor, and Richard Long.

Inside the stables, the exhibition Rock, Paper, Scissors curated by Contemporary and Country featured several basketry pieces.

Sarah Paramor demonstrated her versatility with materials including crin, hairmoss, and maps of Norfolk,

Sue Kirk’s signature herringbone weave baskets were also on display.

I loved the simple elegance of Jane Crisp’s trugs.

And Carolyn Brookes Davies’s vessels were fascinating.

Finally, the five-acre walled garden is truly wonderful. The dahlia border was in full bloom, while Jeppe Hein’s Waterflame got everyone talking!

Tony Cragg at Houghton Hall runs until 26 September 2021.

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